Sholom Rubashkin

The Wall Street Journal reported on 11/16/2008 that Mr Rubashkin diverted millions of dollars in customer payments into the wrong bank account. This is his second arrest in the past month as he was arrested for allegedly helping illegal immigrants get fake documents....

Josh Nochimson

Richard Hamilton of the Detroit Pistons has accused his former business manager of stealing up to $500,000.  The players union is doing initial investigations but says that it could be turned over to legal authorities soon. Nochimson has also represented Luol...

Emmanuel Constant

Mr. Constant has been sentenced to up to 37 years for his role in a mortgage fraud. Fleecing Central first brought the story of this ex-military leader (who has been accused of murder and torture in Haiti) earlier this year. That story can be read in the post from...

Lance K. Poulsen

Lance K. Poulsen of National Century Financial Enterprises was convicted of 20 counts of securities fraud and money laundering in a $1.9B fraud case. He faces up to 135 years in prison on top of the 10 that he was convicted of in March for trying to bribing a witness....

Michael and Angela Smallman

Michael Smallman and his wife Angela were found guilty in a 16Million British Pound fraud. Michael was convicted of fraudulent trading while Angela was convicted of money laundering in a case where 80,000 college students believed that they were attending an...