
Noise and Over-Crowding Reveal Mortgage Scheme

A ring of mortgage crooks may have wanted to enact a strict noise policy for its many illegal boarders. But, most likely the 20 northern Virginia schemers were too busy creating a humongous mortgage fraud operation valued at about $100 million in properties. Check out...

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The Secret of Success…

Is to avoid hiding millions of dollars from the Feds. U.S. tax authorities really frown on that. Case in point, UBS client Juergan Homann is in hot water over a $6.1 million account that he kept secret in a Swiss bank account. To make matters worse, he used to the...

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Profits Evaporate in Foreign Currency Sham

More than 20 investors expecting profits from foreign currency trading have been taken for a ride by Ponzi artist Yongsu Meade of Oregon. Ms. Meade took in approximately $2 million in the sham. She did actually invest some of the funds in foreign currency, only to...

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So Much for Mother-Daughter Tea Parties

Fleecing Central admires mother-daughter bonding, but these California ladies should really consider a more respectable pastime. The FBI agrees. Helen and Irene Sotiriadis are currently in FBI custody following claims that they bilked lenders of $5 million in home...

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Madoff Middleman Made

For more than 30 years, it is claimed that Beverly Hills money manager Stanley Chais was channeling millions of dollars to schemer Bernard Madoff with a cushy cut of the deal along the way. Now that Madoff is doing time, Mr. Chais has moved from middle man to full...

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Political Power, Money, and Fraud

Powerful political figures were not immune to Hassan Nemazee’s con game. Former National Finance Chairman with Hillary Clinton’s and John Kerry’s presidential campaigns, and fundraiser for Barack Obama, Mr. Nemazee created a web of fraud and deception resulting in the...

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I.D. Thief Selects High-Profile Victim

Of all targets to select for identity theft, Leonardo Zanders chose one of particularly high profile. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was victim to Mr. Zanders nationwide ring of theft and fraud. Geez – seems like he’d think twice about choosing recognizable...

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