
Getting the Goalpost to Stop Moving

There aren’t many iron laws of money. But here’s one, and perhaps the most important: If expectations grow faster than income you’ll never be happy with your money. One of the most important financial skills is getting the goalpost to stop moving. It’s also one of the...

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Predicting Inflation is Hard

In 1928, economist Irving Fisher wrote a book called "The Money Illusion" that was all about inflation. The best way to view think about inflation back then was through the lens of wars and how they impacted the economy. Fisher lays out that relationship: "Usually...

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Robinhood’s Big Gamble

In eliminating barriers to investing in the stock market, is the app democratizing finance or encouraging risky behavior? Read Full Article Here (click here)... Written By: Sheelah Kolhatkar Published By:

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Occam’s – How Are You Different From the Average Investor?

WHAT IS OCCAM’S RAZOR? Occam’s Razor is a principle attributed to William Occam, a 14th century philosopher. He stressed that explanations must not be multiplied beyond what is necessary. Thus, Occam’s Razor is a term used to “shave off” or dismiss superfluous...

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David Booth: five timeless investment lessons I’ve learned

It’s 40 years ago this week that Dimensional Fund Advisors was founded. Here are five timeless investment lessons that one of its founders, DAVID BOOTH, has learned in that time. Early in my career, I was lucky enough to work on one of the first index funds. It was an...

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The Only Investing Pattern that matters is Behavioral

Greetings, Carl here. Humans are pattern-recognition machines. We see patterns everywhere! In fact, we’re so good at recognizing patterns that we often see them where they don’t even exist. This shows up frequently anywhere there are big bodies of data. And while...

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May 2021 IWM Planning News

In This Issue: Growing Interest in Socially Responsible InvestingHome-Sweet-Home EquityMoney Market Funds in a Low Rate Environment May 2021 IWM Planning News (click here)...

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