
Retirement: Many do-it-yourself investors not engaged

The majority of people are do-it-yourself investors when it comes to managing their retirement savings, according to a large study, out Tuesday. About two-thirds (63%) of workers with 401(k)s are going it alone, managing their own investments. About half of those...

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How to be happy in retirement

Happiness in retirement is the main goal for most all soon to be retirees. While a larger percentage of our happiness is dictated by genetics and other factors outside of our control, there is a small percentage that can be controlled. This is where the retiree needs...

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What You Don’t Know About Social Security—but Should

A Look at Claiming Strategies, Tax Angles and More to Help You Make Sense of a Complicated Program Imagine that you're about to accept a new job, and it's time to talk salary. You sit down with your boss, who begins as follows: "Actually, our payroll system is...

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Early filers regret Social Security claiming decisions

Nearly 40% of retirees who claimed Social Security benefits before full retirement age now regret their decision, according to a new survey released Wednesday. Read full article here... Written By: Mary Beth Franklin,  

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Millionaires Top 5 Investing Mistakes

Millionaires make some of the same investment mistakes as everyone else—it's just that their mistakes can cost more. A new survey of millionaire investors around the world found five mistakes that are most common among millionaires. The most widespread: failure to...

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