
How To Do A Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution “Safely”

Since the income limits on Roth conversions were removed in 2010, higher-income individuals who are not eligible to make a Roth IRA contribution have been able to make an indirect “backdoor Roth contribution” instead, by simply contributing to a non-deductible IRA...

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Social Security and Government Employees: Part 1

An advisor who can provide good retirement planning information to government employees can be of enormous value, particularly when it comes to Social Security.  The truth is that very few people really understand how Social Security integrates with “non-covered”...

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GMO’s Grantham: Not a stock market bubble, yet

Notable bubble watcher Jeremy Grantham kicked off the 27th annual Morningstar Investment Conference in Chicago Wednesday by telling hundreds of financial advisers that he doesn't see a trigger that would deflate valuations in the U.S. stock market ... yet. Read full...

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The Role of Bond Funds in Your Portfolio

Bond funds offer income returns that can help temper the effects of price fluctuations. Corporate and high-yield bonds may offer opportunities for capital appreciation. Read Full Article Here...

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