
Holding Equities for the Long Term: Time Versus Timing

Legendary investor Warren Buffett is famous for his long-term perspective. He has said that he likes to make investments he would be comfortable holding even if the market shut down for 10 years. Investing with an eye to the long term is particularly important with...

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Why Precision and Investing Don’t Mix

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft passed by Pluto last week, which is amazing. It was a three-billion mile trip that took nine and half years. But here’s what blows my mind. According to NASA, the trip “took about one minute less than predicted when the craft was...

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How To Do A Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution “Safely”

Since the income limits on Roth conversions were removed in 2010, higher-income individuals who are not eligible to make a Roth IRA contribution have been able to make an indirect “backdoor Roth contribution” instead, by simply contributing to a non-deductible IRA...

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Social Security and Government Employees: Part 1

An advisor who can provide good retirement planning information to government employees can be of enormous value, particularly when it comes to Social Security.  The truth is that very few people really understand how Social Security integrates with “non-covered”...

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