How retirees can plan for the unexpected
Many people anticipate their future living expenses as they approach retirement, aiming to pad their nest eggs so they’ll be able to live comfortably on a fixed income. It’s the unexpected expenses that can trip them up. Top among those expenses that can put a wrench...
Spending in Retirement is a Balancing Act
How to spend down your money may be the missing link in your retirement plan. Nearly two-thirds of savers approaching retirement don't have a strategy for which assets to tap first, according to a report from Ameriprise, which surveyed 1,300 baby boomers age 55 to 75....
Why Bear Markets Are So Painful
Please read Why Bear Markets Are So Painful (click here)...
4Q2015 IWM Market Analysis
4Q2015 IWM Market Analysis (click here)
4Q2015 IWM Market & Economic Review
4Q2015 IWM Market & Economic Review (click here)
4Q2015 IWM Investment Insights
4Q2015 IWM Investment Insights (click here)
2016 Key Numbers Related to Retirement, Tax, and Financial Planning
Please see the following PDF files for 2016 Key Numbers: 2016 Comprehensive Key Numbers At a Glance 2016 Tax Numbers 2016 Retirement Plan Key Numbers
Winners and Losers When the Fed Raises Rates
The Federal Reserve may be about to knock over the first domino. Many Fedwatchers are convinced the central bank is just hours away from announcing the first increase to its benchmark federal-funds rate in nearly a decade. If that happens, there will be repercussions...