
We’re in a Bunny Market

Since the end of 2014 there has been plenty of movement in the stock market but the S&P 500 hasn’t really gone anywhere. These periods can be very frustrating for investors because most people tend to think in terms of being bullish or bearish. They’re constantly...

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The Everything-in-One Promise of a Continuing Care Community

Is it possible to have it all in retirement? That’s what so-called continuing care retirement communities promise. These hybrids offer independent living apartments (and sometimes free-standing cottages) along with assisted-living support, home care, a nursing home...

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How retirees can plan for the unexpected

Many people anticipate their future living expenses as they approach retirement, aiming to pad their nest eggs so they’ll be able to live comfortably on a fixed income. It’s the unexpected expenses that can trip them up. Top among those expenses that can put a wrench...

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Spending in Retirement is a Balancing Act

How to spend down your money may be the missing link in your retirement plan. Nearly two-thirds of savers approaching retirement don't have a strategy for which assets to tap first, according to a report from Ameriprise, which surveyed 1,300 baby boomers age 55 to 75....

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