
When Not Paying Attention Pays Off

Pay attention to your teacher. Pay attention to detail. Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention! Our entire lives we’re warned: Pay attention, or.… Well, you know. The worst will happen. But when it comes to your investment portfolio, please do not pay too much...

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Morningstar: The more you pay, the less you get from funds

Investing in an actively managed fund with high fees is like betting on a smoker to win a marathon, according to a new study released by Morningstar. Morningstar's active/passive barometer measures actively managed funds against a composite of relevant passive index...

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We’re in a Bunny Market

Since the end of 2014 there has been plenty of movement in the stock market but the S&P 500 hasn’t really gone anywhere. These periods can be very frustrating for investors because most people tend to think in terms of being bullish or bearish. They’re constantly...

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The Everything-in-One Promise of a Continuing Care Community

Is it possible to have it all in retirement? That’s what so-called continuing care retirement communities promise. These hybrids offer independent living apartments (and sometimes free-standing cottages) along with assisted-living support, home care, a nursing home...

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