Putting Clients Second
The Trump administration recently announced that it intends to review, and presumably overturn, the Obama-era fiduciary duty rule that is scheduled to take effect in April. The administration’s case was articulated by Gary Cohn, the new director of the National...
An account that can keep your retirement savings healthy
Using your health savings account just to cover current medical expenses could be short-sighted. HSAs are increasingly common as employers introduce high-deductible health plans. President-elect Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers have also proposed changes that...
A Hierarchy for Retirement Savings
It's a rare newbie investor who has the financial wherewithal--and foresight--to hit the ground running on a retirement savings plan, making the maximum allowable IRA and 401(k) contributions at the same time she's getting her career off the ground. Instead, most...
The Big Lesson From 2016 for Your Retirement Planning
In a year that witnessed one of the most divisive and wackiest presidential election campaigns in U.S. history, it's not hard to find lessons that can apply to various aspects of your life. But when it comes to takeaways that can improve your retirement planning and...
Choosing an IRA Beneficiary? Choose Wisely…
Key Takeaways: Your choice of beneficiary(s) for your IRA can have major tax consequences. Choose wisely with your advisor’s counsel. Leaving your IRA to an individual is a simple and flexible solution. Leaving your IRA to a trust is more complex and requires the...
How To Sell Finance Books Like Harry Dent
In early-2009, as it seemed like the financial world was teetering on the edge of collapse, I was asked by a family member what I thought about a new book by Harry Dent called The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Crash Following the Greatest Boom in...
The hidden dangers of leaving an inheritance without proper planning
For many investors, setting aside inheritance money for their heirs and loved ones is a natural part of retirement planning. But doing this successfully is not easy, and fortunes rarely last for long. In fact, long-term studies show that six out of 10 family fortunes...
Is a Roth IRA Conversion Allowed When a Retiree Is Turning 70½?
There’s no age limit for doing a Roth conversion, says Jeffrey Levine, chief retirement strategist for Ed Slott & Co. in Rockville Centre, N.Y. You could do one at age 90 if you like. Yet converting a traditional individual retirement account, whose tax-deferred...