2Q2020 IWM Market and Economic Review
2Q2020 IWM Market and Economic Review (click here)...
3Q2020 IWM Investment Insights
3Q2020 IWM Investment Insights (click here)...
The Road Back
When I was a teenager and bathroom walls were the equivalent of today's Twitter, you'd often read that "100,000 lemmings can't be wrong." It turns out that the bathroom scribblers were misinformed and that the lemmings aren't, in fact, given to mass suicide. Still,...
Planning Your Retirement Savings Using Expenses (Not Income) – with Joe Saul-Sehy
Have you ever wondered if you are on track with your retirement savings? We've all seen the articles that suggest how much money you should have saved by certain ages. But it that really the most effective way to approach retirement planning? Read Full Article Here......
A Thrift Savings Plan Update
The retirement savings plan for government workers is superb, but some of the coming changes are overdue. In most important ways, the Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, a retirement savings plan for government workers and the...
Take Heart
THIS SHALL PASS- but not as quickly as any of us would like. I'm talking about the bear market, but the same sentiment applies to both the coronavirus and the economic slowdown. Indeed, the three are inextricably entwined, with share prices the twitchy indicator that...
The Stock Market is Not the Economy
What's more, the two are drifting even farther apart. Read Article Here.... Written By: John Rekenthaler Published By:
Playing the Odds
Today's pandemic wont leas to nuclear war. But many folks seem to fear the economic equivalent: that we'll suffer a downward GDP death spiral that sends us back to the Stone Age. Let's face it: if the economy ceases to function, it wont matter what you own....Read...